Terra Nova fic: Forbidden Fruit 7/?

Jan 21, 2012 21:56

Fic: Forbidden Fruit
Rating: T...for now
Pairing: Lucas Taylor/Skye Tate
Summary:She takes the chance of losing everything to go and find a broken, angry, albeit alive Lucas Taylor out in the Jungle. Together they fight a losing battle with their inevitable feelings toward each other, feelings they both wish they didn't have.

A/N: Holy hell, let me vent for a moment here. I've been battling with double vision for almost a week now. Ever try to work with an eye patch...it sucks, and doesn't work out so well. ANYWAY, eye doctor said he didn't know, went to the hospital, got my head scanned and they took lots of blood and pee in a cup and still nothing. It's still blurry but slowly going away, and I...want to rip out my eyes. But Lucas cheers me up...so here you go :D

Lucas was still fast asleep when Skye woke up in the morning. She'd never get over how peaceful he looked in his sleep, no anger, no pain, just an exuding calmness that caused the corners of her lips turn up. He had a rough day yesterday, she hated seeing the pain bursting behind his expressive jade eyes, but he kept up his tough guy façade and encouraged her that they keep going. She'd let him sleep, no point in waking him up, she was sure she could manage finding something to eat and maybe some supplies.

She searched the camp for a good hour or so, not finding much left in any of the tents, an extra pack, a few bandages, and a bottle of antiseptic, a few sleeping bags and some scraps of paper with Lucas' equations sketched on them; she figured he'd want those back. Not much in the line of food either, some exotic fruit, and a canister of nuts, she guessed they'd head back to the river and do some fishing before too long, or at least that's what she wanted to do; she'd about had it with fruit. She wouldn't have minded so much if it would have been apples, peaches, pears, hell even mangos, but most of the jungle fruit was hit and miss.

Both really sweet and juicy, or horribly bland.

She pulled back the flap and was shocked to see Lucas standing with his back to her, dressed in new pants and a long sleeved blue shirt pushed up to his elbows and trying to pull on a shoulder holster.

"Son of a bitch," he grumbled attempting to get his bad arm into the strap.

"Ahem," Skye coughed to get his attention.

He turned to face her and she also found that he had somehow managed a shave. He features were warm and welcoming, as they usually were, his eyes meeting hers with a light smile.

"Hey," he said softly. "I uh, I was just trying to..." he wiggled his arm slightly and chuckled. "Well I wasn't doing as well as I thought."

Sky smiled and shyly approached him, her hand lazily sliding up his chest and slipping under the holster strap. His breathing deepened and his eyes dilated and fixated onto hers while she slowly slid the garment off of him.

She walked behind him and slipped his bad arm through the first strap, then moved on to the other side. She went against everything that kept telling her no and let her hands move around to the front of his chest while she stayed behind his body, fastening the two sides together.

"With all those brains, you think you'd be smart enough to do the bad arm first," Skye playfully whispered into his ear, she could practically feel the shiver he emitted.

"What can I say," he said softly, turning his head to face her, "I was never really good at dressing myself."

Skye glided in front of him, her eyes never leaving his. Lucas moved his face down to hover inches in front of hers, tracing the outline of her face with his thumb as he had done so many times before.

"I bet you're better than you think you are," she grinned, nibbling on her bottom lip.

Skye was past the point of caring, she knew he was wrong for her, she wasn't ready to let go of all the things he had done, but she had danced this dance with him before. The shy, playful, dare she say seductive Lucas Taylor, the one who made her heart skip a beat with his attentive brushes against her skin. She was anxious for it now, waiting for his lips to close in on hers, to win her over with his sweetness.

But it never came.

He laughed lightly and pulled back, taking her hands in his.

"I have a surprise for you," he said, walking away from her and grabbing a bag from the floor.

"I thought they took your gun," Skye paused, she knew they did, she had been there after all. "You know, that day…with the rover."

"Ahh, yes, the rover; not my fondest memory," he said running a hand through his hair. "I have more than one, Bucket; I'd be a fool not to."

Lucas returned to her side and gently led her out the tent by her elbow, "Now come on, I think you'll enjoy it.

They climbed up one of the ladders and walked through the maze of bridges until they reached a large tree house, a good bit larger than the others.

"That one was Mira's," Lucas said nodding in its direction.


"And," he stopped and smiled smugly, handing her the bag. "It has a full bath, solar panels and all; wouldn't you like a nice hot shower?"

Lucas' smile grew wider when her eyes lit up and before he knew it she was on her tip toes pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered, her lips moving against his skin and then the reward of a second chaste kiss. Lucas could feel the heat in his cheeks; she was probably the only person alive that had the power to make him blush. He laid a hand on her back to steady her, hoping she would never leave his side, enjoying her closeness. But she sank back down to the ground, taking his feelings with her.

"Go on, Bucket, I'll wait here," he said calmly, as if he wasn't affected by her actions. He didn't want to scare her away, he needed her, and therefore he would let her make the first move.

Skye nodded once, and with a smile she vanished into Mira's tree house.

She didn't know why she did it, why she felt the urge to show him any kind of affection what so ever, let alone a quick kiss. She couldn't even fool herself anymore, her attraction towards him was just too strong to ignore. But she couldn't let anything come of it, no, absolutely not. There was no way in hell it would work; how could it? The man she saw as a second father was the man he wanted, no, tried to kill. But he didn't, because she stopped him, and she wasn't sure she'd be strong enough to stop him again. Not now.

A content sigh escaped past her lips as the warm water flowed through her hair and over her body. The river would always do in a quick fix, but there was nothing comparable to a proper shower. Skye popped her head out from the curtain and carefully opened the pack he sent her in with. Along with the spare clothes she had packed for herself was a small container of shampoo and a bar of soap. It looked like Lucas had done some scavenging of his own, but with better luck; also explaining his newly shaven face and his own change of clothes.

All her thoughts were washed away along with the grass stains and dirt, and were replaced with thoughts of Lucas. She may not have been able to have him, even if she could she wasn't sure if his actions were motions of the need for physical contact or the need for her, but she had him once, and that was enough to leave her wanting more.

"Skye Tate, to see you sir," the phoenix soldier that was serving as her escort announced.

"Who," she heard his voice call out in annoyance. Skye stepped around the guard and into the doorway, Lucas' demeanor immediately relaxing when his eyes met her. "Bucket," he smiled.

"Leave us," he commanded the soldier, "and close the door behind you." Lucas stood from the desk and circled her, eying her with sideways grin.

"What can I do for you, Bucket?"

"It's Skye," she corrected.

"What can I do for you…Bucket," he said with a smirk.

"Don't hurt him, Lucas, please, you've hurt him enough. Just let him go," Skye pleaded.

"Ah, yes, young Shannon," Lucas nodded. "But I had such fun plans for him, Bucket,"

"Lucas, please." Skye took a step forward, ignoring the cries of "no!" in her mind. She rested her hands on his chest, "please, Lucas, for me."

"What's in it for me?" Lucas asked, his voice dropping a level.

"That's why I'm here," she put on a smile, and slid her hands down the length of his body and back up again.

"No, you're here for him," Lucas growled, moving his face closer to hers. "Do you love him, Skye, is that why you're here?" he whispered.

The sound of her name rolling out from his lips sent a shiver down her spine. "He's my friend, that's all, just a friend," she breathed.

"I thought I was your friend, Bucket." He inched a little bit closer, until his lips were hovering hers. "Although, I will admit, I would like very much to be more." Lucas' mouth softly came down on hers and he gently folded her into his arms.

She tried telling herself she didn't like it. That the sweet caress of his lips and the softness of his touch wasn't real; because how can someone so undoubtedly evil taste so heavenly. His hand weaved through her dark curls, pulling her closer to him. Lucas ran his tongue across her bottom lip and she welcomed him in, letting out a soft moan in the process.

Skye's hands slipped beneath the straps of his shoulder holster and Lucas quickly stopped his ministrations and grabbed her wrists.

There he was, the Lucas she knew; with a spark of anger flashing in his jade eyes.

"You don't trust me?" she teased, stepping forward, pushing up on her tip toes giving a feather light kiss to the side of his mouth. "We'll just have to change that," she whispered before her lips brushed against his rugged mouth once more. Lucas released his grip, slowly, not taking his eyes off of her.

She slid the holster off and gently placed it on the floor, then ran her hands up his chest before undoing the top buttons. His eyes were emerald now, and dilated, and full of desire. Skye continued unbuttoning him and let his shirt drop to the floor, she stood before him, admiring his scared yet beautiful body. She went to touch him again and just as before his hand came up and caught her wrist, but this time there was no anger in his eyes.

It was his turn now, he released his hold and her hand fell to her side as his came to rest on her shoulders. He undid the first button, bringing his head down and placing a small open mouthed kiss to the hollow of her throat. He moved to the next and down came another kiss. Lucas continued until he was at the waist band of her pants; on his knees he undid the last button, wrapping his arms around her body he pulled her closer and kissed her right above her navel, flicking her skin with his tongue.

She shivered, and knew that he had felt it.

He stood and cupped her face, resting his forehead against hers, "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he said softly, claiming her lips with his own. He smiled against her mouth, and with one fluid motion scooped her up into his arms, carrying her into the adjacent room furnished with a small bed. Lucas lied her down and climbed over her body, one hand firmly placed on her thigh while the other held himself up. He teased her neck with his scruff before his lips found their way to hers with heated desire.

And she welcomed him in.

skye tate, lucas taylor, terra nova, fic, forbidden fruit

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