Contrary to popular belief...I'm not an idiot!

Jun 02, 2011 20:32

Oh sweet Jesus! I've not had time to rant about the new job because well, its great. Really it is. No stress, I get along great with the manager and she has confidence in me to get my shit done by the end of the day no matter how long my ever growing list-o-cake related crap gets. Well tonight I feel a little like this


You see one of the clerks is preggers and will be going on maternity leave soon, therefore I have to learn how to close. So what happens? I get stuck training with a guy (lets call him Mr. Squeaky shoes) who thinks I know absolute nothing about a bakery. I only practically lived in one for over 4 years...but yea, apparently I know squat. The sad thing is he knows where I worked before, knows that while yes, I was primarily a decorator that I did help out when needed from time to time, including light baking.

Yet Mr. Squeaky Shoes precedes to give me the hour and a half tutorial on how to bake cookies. COOKIES! I fucking know how to bake cookies! I've told him this before, at least ten times.
"You see there honey, see how its white and looks gooey on top...that means they're not done yet."

No shit, really? Never would have guessed.

So after the extensive cookie lesson and a hands on learning experience on how to "push the air out of the bread bag and twist tie it" we moved on to the floor. Because everyone needs a hardcore lesson on how to clean the floor. Now lets drag me around the department and explain how to remove out of date hey buddy...I do that already.Before I go home, and you're usually right there.

Seriously at times I felt like he thought I was 5. I know he was just trying to be thorough, but it's not rocket science, and I was bored out of my freaking mind. I like my usual fast paced job. The day goes quick and I get to go home. Tonight dragged on forever and it blew. I close by myself one day next week, and am looking forward to a nice quiet bakery, getting all the bread shit done, and hopefully some of my own stuff as well.

OOOHH  but there is good news. They are going to make me a traveling decorator. So now I get to decorate for the 3 stores in our little city and one in the town over (which sucks but I do get gas money). It also comes with a fat a buck fifty raise, and full time status. Hopefully the store director can get that ball rolling soon and I can get my ass to Disney. 
Because I'm seriously having Mouse withdrawl.

blah blah blah

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