
Jan 30, 2012 01:32

I headed into the day jobbe early, it's been busier than planned so they were happy to have me for 8 rather than 6 hours. After a week of busier than normal days I'm ready for my weekend which begins, well, now. I'm turning off the alarms and sleeping in tomorrow. If the rain slows I'll go for a walk/bike ride. Not sure that I'll ever be able to run again. My attempt last week left me with crippling pain. I can't seem to make my body move the way it should for a run. I can't find the empty zen like pleasure I used to have while running. Instead, I have to concentrate on making my feet land, the knees lift, my arms move in the proper order. The best I can manage is a awkward trot with an odd lurch or limp. Sigh. Less than a month before I crashed I'd run a half marathon. Yes, over twelve hilly miles nonstop at a decent, for me, pace. Now I can barely run a few blocks and even that distance fraught with fear of falling.

I don't know if I can do it.

Walking works. I walk a lot.

I just finished reading a book I liked quite a bit so I plan on reviewing it tomorrow. Bug me about it, please.

I'm working just a few days this coming week and then my winter leave kicks in. I'll not be working for most of February. I'm to use this time to clean, sort, toss and organize things here, to figure out an accounting system and make a budget, and well, get a grip on things.

And February is for writing.

I'm off to bed. It I'll leave you with this photo I took of myself during our recent storm storm. I went for a walk and sledding that night. Snow nights are bright and weirdly quiet. If you listen, you can hear the sound of snow falling, even in the city. In the morning I could hear the gibbons whooping their greeting to the sun. I knew just how they felt.


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