Had a weird dream and couldn't sleep

Nov 27, 2007 10:08

Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Usually I prefer guys with really dark hair, but that hasn't seemed to be working out much for me.. lately it's been more 50/50
Are you currently frustrated with a boy? Yes, several actually... haha
How many things in the past do you regret? I try not to have regrets. Everything we do in life and all the mistakes we have made helps to shape who we are and who we become. It can be hard not to regret sometimes, but if these things never happened then we might not be who we are today.
Do you have a best friend? I have a few best friends.. which is kinda strange for me.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I kinda agree with Jessie on a lot of these. I want to be a wife, a mother, and I want to work in forensics. But more than anything... I want to be happy... really and happy.
Have you ever had your heart broken? More times than you can imagine... and not just romantically.
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? Hell no.
Do you like your life? I like many aspects of my life, and from here it can only get better.. right?
Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you? Nope
Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back? Like you wouldn't believe.
Did you forgive them? Not really sure on that one. But I sure as hell didn't forget
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? Yes... but I was provoked... i think.
What are your biggest fears? Being alone, Being a failure, and Spiders
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Many times.. I can be a crier. Jessie, hun, you're not weird.. I like to cry sometimes too.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? This question is rather annoying at the moment. lol but yeah, obviously not.
Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater"? Not so much... but maybe. I like to look into the reason behind the deed.
So far, do you like this survey? Of course.. but then again I haven't done one of these in quite some time!! haha give me a few days and I'm sure the feeling will pass.
Ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out to be bad? Nope, I always go with the gut feeling... It's never lead me down the wrong path before, and that's what scares me.
Did you ever wish you were famous? Nope. That was easy.
Are you currently missing someone? Does myself count? Because I'm really enjoying refinding myself at the moment

wears boxers or briefs? I have a thing for Boxer-briefs... although it would have to be the right body or it could just be a big ol' mess
Has brown hair or blonde? I was always dead set against blonds... but I don't know I do like that dark and sexy look
Is Sporty or gamer? Why can't you have both?
Is a surfer or singer? Oooh again... this isn't fair.. BOTH! But if I had to choose it would DEFINITELY be a singer.. I can't help it, it's a weakness :)
Is playful or careful? playful, but yet not completely careless
Good looks, or a great personality? I couldn't agree with Jessie more.. everyone needs their fair share of both in order for anything to come of it
Makes you breakfast in bed or takes you out to lunch? breakfast in bed! or at least breakfast together when you get out of bed... not a huge fan of the whole eating in the bed thing
Drinks tea or coffee? Either, or both! Because I do :) I love my morning coffee!
Works more than he plays, or plays more than he works? Works more than plays, everyone has to grow up at some time.. but he's also not allowed to lose the play side either... All work no play makes a very sad Shelley!
Keeps things from you that will hurt you or, is completely honest with you? I would never like to be lied to, I am a full disclosure kind of girl
Throws all the parties and invites everyone, or makes it a priority to spend time with you alone all the time? The alone all the time is just a recipe for disaster... I like to have my own friends, I like a guy who has his own friends... Just to mix it all up and keep things fresh :) But of course having someone tell you that they just want to stay at home with me is great as well!
Is tall or your height? My height??? Oh Jesus Christ can you imagine??? LOL Umm.... TALL!

Fallen for your neighbor? Nope, can't really say that I have... but my friend boyfriend was a guy who lived down the street from me... is that a neighbour?
Made out with just a friend? Several actually... in a drunken mess I might add haha
Been in love? Yes, yes I have.  In all of my senses of the word.
Used someone? Does dating a guy because he has a really fucking awesome car count? Probably, right? Yeah.. I suck.
Been used? Y'never know. probably lol
Done something you regret? Previous question somewhere near the top dude.
Cried just to get out of trouble? Haven't we all? lol... really though.

You talked to? Micheal
You hugged? Kristin
You instant messaged? Micheal
You text messaged? Daniel
You yelled at? That's a tough question...
You laughed with? Micheal
Who broke your heart? Tough question..
Who told you they loved you? Daniel

Have any piercings? Just my ears at the moment, toying with the idea of more
Own your own house? No, I rent my house :)
Own a nice car? Nope, but then again it's nicer than a lot of the cars I have seen lol
Speak any languages? English and a few choice words in some others... But it's on my list :)
Cook your own Dinner? I love to cook... it's the clean up that's a bitch
Color your hair? All the freaking time..... next time I am thinking pink, or orange, or green, or purple.. hell who knows
Have green eyes? Yep :)
Stolen anything? Guilty....
Taken drugs? Guilty...
Obsessive? Like you wouldn't believe over stupid things... I'm a worrier...
Panic? Only when I see fit
Anxiety? Not so much... but it can happen.
Control Freak? Yeah with some things... like my home, circumstances
Obsessed with hate? Hahaha..... no.
Have a tattoo? Yep... 3 actually and hopefully more!

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