Nov 27, 2007 08:09
Not sure if anyone really reads this anymore..
Losing power is a pretty scary thing.... Losing control is too.. I haven't really let that happen a lot lately. But I dunno, it seems to be when you start to put your guard down there's always something waiting for you.
So I've been living in St. John's for the past couple of months. Memorial is a pretty awesome school and St. john's is really not much different than Halifax except for the people who are here and the local scenery. I guess it was always inevitable that I would move back here someday. Newfoundland and Labrador is a wonderful place.. I use both names because both places are really important to me :) I have an apartment with a girl that I went to kindergarten with.. she's a very old friend who I only recently connected with when I went home for a month this summer. She's super sweet, but graduates next month.. the city may not be so appealing when it's only me living here :p haha I have a great house here (renting of course for now until I figure everything out). Who knows how long I will stay. Daniel wants to move out west of course.. but I love this place so far. So it's uncertainty again haha We're still together after almost 3 years. kinda hard to believe how things work out.
School has been pretty rough. Lets just say that biochemistry is not one of my strong points and I will be hauling ass to prepare for finals which start on the 5th haha. But anyways I guess this was just a quick update to get back in touch with people :) So let me know if you even read this journal anymore!! Maybe I'll keep it up this time.. I know there were tons of promises of that before.. but who knows! Haha So back to this dream...
Anyways, I had a dream last night... not sure if anyone can make sense of it.. but it was the kind of dream where you wake up and have so much going on that you just can't get back to sleep.
"At a convention or some sort of show or job or work or something... met a bunch of people.. we were al really close like almost everyone in a relationship without the kissing, there was hugging and hand holding and i love yous... my mother was there, sort of as a spectator but she was sitting with me. We were sitting in bleachers like at an arena...
we all line up to go through this maze/haunted house type thing... the first room is only containing the head guy where he gives you salt water to drink then sends you through a maze as the lights dim... the second room was guys all walking around you and bumping into you and you have this horrible taste of salt water in your mouth and its complete darkness... the third room is filled with people who look like they're dead and almost glowing and when you get near them they sort of come back to life per say.. they open their eyes really wide and come after you and are banging into you .... the fourth room all kinds of people are chasing you and you have to avoid them to get out... there are a few chairs in a row leading to some stairs, but there are stop signs in your way that you have to pull out of the way in order to run across the chairs and get out of the maze... so I do this and one guy grabs me but I am able to squirm away and I make it out of that part and then i am running through the dark hallway out of it and someone pops up in front of the exit door and I have to get around him and he puts his arms around me but i manage to squeeze through.
When I get out of the maze everyone is sitting down again (I was sitting furthest right by my mother in front of some girls who resemble drag queens and when everyone went into the maze we started with the right side of the bleachers which makes sense I would be last because I was front row left) I should note that everyone IN the maze were men and quite attractive if you ignore the grayish green skin makeup... they were all topless wearing jeans except the guy who was in the first room who was completely normal colour, and had jeans and an open button up shirt (white).. he was also the guy that remained on the floor before and after to talk to the whole group... almost leaderlike. When I get out of the maze everyones hugging and laughing about how easy and how lame the maze was... I was just overwhelmed with happiness that I was out of it. I get back to my seat and look down and the maze was gone, only he first room was there, and it was much larger... the guy starts going through all of the scenes/rooms one by one and after last room was shown i had a feeling of dread and then I woke up.."
Could it have stemmed from me going to sleep with the weirdest feeling in the pit of my stomach that I have been in a looooong time? Not so inclined to comment on this weird feeling over live journal... haha but it was there