Title: How It Didn't Happen
Author: Lauren
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Pairing: Sheldon/Penny.
Summary: Forget about the last four seasons; let's go back to the beginning, when everything was less complicated.
Word Count: 3,577.
Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory characters do not belong to me and I am making no financial gain off this work of fan fiction. Thanks to my lovely betas
halfeatenmoon, and
jazzfic for their contributions, and innumerable tweeps for the German. Some lines in this fic are references to Vienna Teng's "1BR/1BA" and "Stray Italian Greyhound", which I listened to on repeat while writing this.
I'm five months late to the party so I'm essentially just vacuuming cake out of the carpet at this point;
trippy41, and
stock2007 blazed this trail months ago, so I'm late getting on the bandwagon. Before I mix any more metaphors, here's the fic:
How It Didn't Happen at AO3