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arabian March 5 2010, 03:28:58 UTC
Aww, thank you!

Yes, I loved the fact that Penny was there for him. :D


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mtwendyr March 5 2010, 03:53:10 UTC
Penny's guilt at what she'd done really came through. Whereas in the opening episode of Season 3, the boys (well, Howard) didn't care to see that what they had done was wrong on any level.

So, yeah, Sheldon can clearly only count on Penny for support and friendship.


arabian March 5 2010, 04:37:17 UTC
I'm going to cut the writers slack (as much as it pains me in this instance). I really think they underestimated the audience's love of Sheldon and figured that we would be on the boys' side because of being stuck three months with oh so annoying Sheldon. Because although they haven't been the bestest of friends this season, they haven't done anything else even remotely as awful, and they HAVE been there (all three of them at different times) for Sheldon in his time of need.

With that said, Penny clearly does care about Sheldon the most ... but, hey, that's what Bill Prady said pre-season three. :)


jl_in_the_lane March 5 2010, 04:40:59 UTC
What did BP say, exactly?


d_sieya March 5 2010, 04:42:00 UTC

(Those words require capslock.)


jl_in_the_lane March 5 2010, 05:14:26 UTC


arabian March 5 2010, 04:52:45 UTC
Here's the link to the full interview Bill Prady awesome interview. But yes, here is the key quote:

I think Penny loves Sheldon more than anybody does. She's very frustrated by him, I think Penny adores Sheldon.

So d-sieya basically summed it up well. He actually said that. Is it any wonder I adore Bill Prady?


jl_in_the_lane March 5 2010, 05:20:16 UTC




I hereby think Bill Prady is fantastic.

Out of interest, do Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady tend to differ in this way? I'm a bit dubious of CL's 'Two 1/2 Men' background, and BP comes across as such a nerd in this interview, I'm wondering if the difference is that CL is writing nerds from 'without' and BP is writing them from 'within' i.e. much more sympathetically. But that is complete made up speculation that has nothing to back it up, unless anyone here knows anything to confirm it...


necrule_paen March 5 2010, 06:37:46 UTC
I may be wrong about this, but it seems to me that you all are reading that Penny cares more for Sheldon than she cares for the others. That is not what he said. Prady said that Penny cares more for Sheldon than the others cares for Sheldon.

The first means something shipperific. The second means something friendshipperific. Both are positive, but one is better than the other in ou opinion

I personally think that by the end of the season Sheldon will confess that Penny is his best friend.I say confess because it won't be easy for Sheldon to admit. Sheldon has spent a lot of this season thinking about who is and who is not his friend.


arabian March 5 2010, 06:44:19 UTC
I may be wrong about this, but it seems to me that you all are reading that Penny cares more for Sheldon than she cares for the others. That is not what he said. Prady said that Penny cares more for Sheldon than the others cares for Sheldon.

No, that's EXACTLY how we all read it: That Penny cares for Sheldon more than the others care for him, and we love it. It's beautiful for us because it confirms what we've all been saying that we've been seeing happen on the show ... the foundation of their relationship being built. You should probably check out the linked post, as well as the post I link to in that one to read our comments, because we're well aware of what he said, and frankly, I don't see how anyone would think he meant the other. That makes no sense.


jl_in_the_lane March 5 2010, 08:32:18 UTC
You may have thought that because of my squealing...?

I went and read the interview at the link, promise.

I found the comment exciting because I was so thrilled to see the writers' admitting to ANY good feeling for Sheldon from the other characters AT ALL. It's such a departure from the feeling I've gotten from the other interviews I've read (hence my queries about whether the discrepancy might be due to a difference in perspective between CL and BP, because I feel like I've heard mostly CL's perspective up to now, and I haven't liked it).

Having BP say that Penny 'loves Sheldon' or 'adores Sheldon' is just icing on the proverbial cake. It's more than saying 'she likes him' - it's such an astonishingly strong affirmation of care for that character that I was blown away (even just as a friendship thing).


mtwendyr March 5 2010, 12:15:07 UTC


arabian March 5 2010, 04:24:17 UTC
That's not true; Leonard was there for him emotionally when he came back from the court. The thing is that he genuinely asked how it went, opening the door for Sheldon to vent if he really needed to. By his response, he clearly didn't need to, so then Leonard joked. Still, he didn't taunt Sheldon about missing Stan Lee, that was Howard, and then he told Howard to stop. Who just kept on going. Plus, in TVF, both Leonard and Raj really helped Sheldon out in coming up with his revenge (and Leonard was an awesome friend in those scenes, whether he laughed or not when he first heard it -- it was funny, but once the ramifications came in, Leonard was an awesome friend). As for Howard, he was pretty awesome to Sheldon in TBR.

I know they've been crappy friends here and there, but there have been moments of being there-ness from all three. Penny's just more consistent.


sa_4_geeks March 5 2010, 03:33:50 UTC
I honestly think even if she wasn't indebted to him, and something like this happened, she would still support him.
Well, at least I'd like to think that way. :)


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