Feb 13, 2007 19:33
There's no good way to start a post about death. So, Savannah Banana our sweet little hamster has left us for the big hamster wheel in the sky. I had no idea how attached I had become to her until I had to watch her die Sunday night. If you think that hamster's are stupid little animals and not worth getting attached to you should probably move on now.
I feel kind of like a loser for being so sad about losing her, but she was our first pet together, our little baby, and she was the sweetest hamster I've ever met. She was really friendly and even when she would try to bite a finger she never bit hard. She had a really great temperament. I would talk to her and pet her and she was fairly spoiled as far as hamsters go. I think it sucked more because it really caught us by surprise. She had been acting a little weird for a few days, sleeping a lot more than usual, but we thought maybe her sleep pattern was just off cause she wasn't getting much darkness since she ripped the roof off her house. Sunday we went and got her a new house and when we got home and tried to put the new house in we could tell things were bad. Josh picked her up and she was really out of it and very limp. We sat with her on the couch for a while and held her. She'd wake up once and a while and then as soon as she'd try and do something she'd pass out again. We could tell she didn't have much longer. She was still alive when we went to bed, but was gone when we got up in the morning. She wasn't even a year old. We thought we would have her for a couple of years. Yes, I'm probably much too sad about a little rodent. Please keep your opinions about that to yourself.
Since the ground is frozen and we couldn't bury her we ended up putting her in the freezer in my parents basement. It was the only thing we could think to do. Once we get a house we'll bury her in our yard. I feel like that's the right place for her because she was supposed to live there with us. I kept telling her how it would be better and she could run in her ball all the time and not worry about bugging the neighbors.
Tonight I have to clean up her cage and all of her things and pack them away. I'm really not looking forward to it, but I think it will be better to have it all out of the living room. We'll probably get another hamster soon, but I'm not sure any will ever be as special as Savannah. Honestly I really just want to get a dog, but we can't have a dog until we have a house and I don't like not having a pet of any kind.