Copied from my fitness journal...

Nov 10, 2005 11:20

I am on a posture soap box. I just finished reading the article on posture in the newish Elle mag (the one with Jennifer Annniston on the cover). So, everyone can expect me to remind them to stand up straight more incessantly from now on because not only is slouching just plain ugly, but also, it causes back pain, it creates an inhospitable environment for your internal organs and makes it impossible to breath deeply. This leads me to wonder if slouching could be related to stress since breathing deeply calms a person etcetera etcetera etcetera. I'm going to go military style on Adam and enlist the help of the "plank test". Head, shoulders, butt and heels must all touch "the plank". Or another method that I came up with is to stand and arch your back as much as you can, then slowly straighten up until the moment that your back no longer feels arched. While maintaining your upper body position, tuck your butt and hips under you. This works for me, but it may not for other people... Anyway, I'm in a posture frenzy and am blaming all of mankind,s ailments on bad posture. Let it be banished from the Earth!
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