Back in Cali

Jan 12, 2008 00:08

Christmas break FLEW BY, and I am missing Denver big time.

After we got home from Mexico, I went up to Vail with Ricky for the night to stay with some of our friends from Creek. I love Vail <3 No skiing for us, just hanging out. We kind of invented a new sport called "lodging." We are actually pretty "pro" at it, if you can imagine.

The way back was almost a horrible, awful, no-good, very-bad disaster though. We woke up around 10 or 11 and saw that the snow was coming down HARD. Soooo we decided to pack up and leave in a hurry in order to avoid a horrendous ride home. And in that hurry, Ricky couldn't find his shoes. *I was really confused as to how he lost his shoes between the time he took them off to sleep and the time he woke up, but I guess you can't really underestimate the kid. (just kidding). So he eventually decided to forget about the shoes and we just threw all of our stuff in the car and headed out.
Stupid us, as soon as we passed the last exit leaving Vail, we realized that we had no gas. And then, out of nowhere, we hit DEAD STOP traffic. To say we were panicked would be an understatement. The traffic was literally not moving... we just sat there and debated whether or not to turn our car off. We did decide to take it out of 4-wheel and fish-tail around a bit though. And because Ricky had no shoes, I was the designated driver. And Ricky is not a very good passenger in his own car going down snowy mountains. (I don't really blame him).
Down to like half a gallon left, we finally start inching forward... passed a truck and a few other cars that were just sitting in the middle of the road. Ughh, how annoying. I am still thanking God we made it to Copper (or Dillon or whatever it was) because with Ricky shoe-less and myself just really retarded when it comes to cars, that would have been a NIGHTMARE.
We are so lucky sometimes.
*Turned out, one of Peter's friends from UNC was wearing Ricky's shoes to return his skis at a ski-rental shop, and it wasn't really Ricky's fault after all...

Anyways, the rest of my time at home was really relaxing and really fun. I got to see a lot of high school friends and catch up with my favorite people in the world (Ricky, the Wills, Jaime, the Latchams, G&G, my fam, etc.) Jaime, Keely, Marc, Ben, Brooke and I went and watched the Nuggets WHOMP on the Spurs. It was  the best Nuggets game I have been to in a Lonnnnng time. And I met up with "I gotta go get a cocktail" Hinkle for a drink during half-time... lol.

We also had a few dinner parties and shopping days while I was at home... I got some good clothes for work, which I am extremely excited to wear! I can't WAIT for NBC!!!

And just like that, it was time to leave.
I got back to Cali after a disastrous and LONG day of traveling. I had to fly thru Vegas on Southwest, and I missed my connecting flight because... well, because I am an idiot I suppose. I was just sitting there with my headphones on checking emails and whatnot, when I looked up and saw that those at gate C1 was heading to RENO. (EW). So I panicked and went up to this mean gay airline guy (fyi, mean and gay are not a good combo) and he finally got me on stand-by, but not without a major lecture.
And when I got in to San Diego, my bags were nowhere to be seen. And neither were the bags of those who had made the connection, so my air-headedness didn't really get me far behind at all. It actually got me a $50 voucher because my bags were delayed :-)

Lydia picked me up, and when I got to my house, the first thing I noticed was how awkwardly my bed was made. Alessia had thrown herself a huge 22nd bday party at our house the day Lydia and I left, and I can only imagine what happened here. She had washed my towels, which means they cleaned up "a mess," if you will. She also washed Lydia's sheets... but not mine. So I got really grossed out not knowing who slept in my bed, and I ended up just buying new sheets. I am a little germ-phobe like my sis when it comes to beds. I couldn't sleep knowing that someone may have drooled on my pillowcase or something. *gag*

Now that I am back, I am getting a ton of stuff done. I sent in a few job apps, ran a bunch of errands for recruitment, caught up with friends, and am painting another utility box tomorrow. I am getting paid this time, so why not!? I gotta go buy supplies tomorrow morning, and the city will reimburse me. I would paint every box in the city for FREE if it meant I could take back all the parking tickets I have accumulated over the past 4 years, but whatever.

And tonight, my friend Matt and I went downtown to see this musician named Greg Laswell. The venue advertised an 8:30 concert, but when we got there and no artist was to be seen, we were super confused. The meat-head bouncer at the front door was like "the concert starts around midnight, go check the schedule... mah mah mah." So I asked for a refund b/c I didn't want to stay for another FOUR hours, and he goes "God, you guys don't go out much. Mah mah mah"
So I whipped out the inner bitch and was replied, "definitely NOT HERE" in a very disgusted and pompous tone.
God I love a good reason to whip out the inner bitch... sorry for the language mom . But just ask Willy, he will personally verify that statement without a blink of the eye. ;-)
So we just went and got a drink before coming back to the beach. I feel like he is one of my only good guy friends here at school... when I go home, I don't hang out with any girls. And when I am at school, I only hang out with girls. It's a very weird thing... I need some balance out here.

Anyways- now I am back at home and really cozy in my new sheets. Lyd and I just watched some S in the C and are going to bed in a few.

Hope you are all sleeping as sound as I am!



Oh yeah- my Chipotle story for y'all...
I left out the part where Ricky was MOWING his burrito. You are welcome cuz.
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