Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 2006 16:17

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!
For the first time in years my family and I are going to a restaurant to have dinner. Usually I cook for my mother and father, mother-in-law and my husband's brother and his family, and of course my sons and husband.

But this year, my mother-in-law died in March and my brother-in-law is in Texas with his daughter and son-in-law recouping from kidney transplant surgery.
Our spirits have been further dampened by the unexpected death of our aunt(my mother-in-law's sister.)We had just been to visit her on Friday, she had pneumonia and congestive heart failure but had looked to be recovering at that time. My husband is especially hard hit with this- seems like his mother dying all over again.

So we decided to have an easier Thanksgiving. Some of the Sullivans will be returning to the area on Sunday night to attend the services on Monday evening, so we will get to see them. A little joy out of sorrow.


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