Bob's Mom

Mar 09, 2006 10:49

Bob's mom died last night at 9:58 p.m. EST.

I had spent most of the day with my mom and had decided to come back to support Bob. I had a feeling as I came in that this would be the night but I shook it off as she has surprised us again and again with her strength. Kathleen had left because her family had come up and they needed her and she really needed their love and support. Bob had left the room to call Marty ( who is in Texas) to help mediate an argument between Marty and his two sisters. Mom's respirations went from 28 to 16 to 6 in a very short time. I then ran to get Bob and by the time we got there, he just caught the final pulse in her wrist. We called the nurse and she called the nurse who could call the death. They told us we could call as many family members as we wanted to and stay as long as we wanted to. We called the immediates and everyone came to say their last goodbyes and touch her hand. It was so sad but such a relief to us that she had no pain and was in a better place. It's been a long haul.

Bob and his siblings are at the funeral home now, discussing the service arrangements. I hope it goes smoothly. I'll call work later and tell them I won't be coming in on Sunday and Monday.

Here is a salute to a wonderful woman who raised 6 wonderful children. She was beloved by a lot of people not just her family. She was the best mother-in-law a woman could ask for. She lived 90 years of healthy life up until the last few months. She is certain to be in heaven.


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