Jan 03, 2005 21:20
yayyy! back in school im actually happy about it. i mean goin to school only 3 hours a day and really doin w/e the fuck u want you cant complain about it. So its official me and mary are for sure goin to the ashlee simpson concert. we get our tickets on saturday. and then a few weeks after that me and mary are goin with dave and nate to a slipknot concert. we were already told today that we will prolly get killed there cuz we have 2nd row seats and the closer u are to the stage its ore crazy. Stephen comes home in a few weeks Im sooo excited! He'll only be home for a few days so i will be with him every second that hes home. AHH IM SO EXCITED!! alot of u probally have no idea what its like to like someone soooo much and they be away from you for so long. bein in michiana with him doesnt count hehe well yeah My sister goes back down to school and shes prolly all upset cuz shes leavin HER WONDERFUL SISTER:):) and her jeffy poo and of course all her friends. Im just glad that i got to spend some time with her. Well thats really all for now but yeah ill wrote more later