Today I saw a toddler on a chartreuse bike with training wheels, "towing" an adult on a recumbent tricycle.
This is clearly an awesome idea. The toddler gets all the fun of forging ahead and feeling like a leader, but the adult can hit the brakes for both of them in case of trouble. Plus, anything involving a recumbent tricycle is awesome by default.
Another nifty thing, surprisingly, is my rosebush.
I sort of inherited it when I moved into this apartment, and it seems to be indestructible. In the past, I never even considered attempting to grow roses, because I'd heard that they were very difficult plants, and I don't so much have a green thumb as a... er. What color is invevitable plant death? One of those.
But this particular rosebush seems to respond positively no matter what I do. When I first moved in, I ignored it completely, assuming it was doomed regardless. When spring came, it put out some shiny leaves, and eventually startled me by
producing an actual rose. Apparently, being neglected was to its liking.
Still, I started making vague attempts to take care of the rosebush after that. (By which I mean that I started watering it occasionally. When I thought of it.) And when winter came, I hacked off most of the branches, because I had heard that roses like to be pruned.
I probably did a horrific job of it, not being in the habit of pruning things, but when spring came around again, the rosebush grew like crazy and started sprouting roses right and left. Apparently, being pruned was to its liking.
Then I got a giant lizard, and had no time to think about rosebushes in all the whirlwind of lizard care and lizard research and lizard petting. I pretty much forgot all about watering my plants for the next six or eight months. I sort of thought about cutting back the branches on the rosebush again after all the fell off last winter- mostly because it had sent some runners all the way up to the eaves and they looked sort of creepy now that they were just bare thorny branches- but I never got around to it.
This spring, the runners that were headed for the roof burst into greenery and grew so much more that I eventually just braided them and tied them into an arch shape across the flowerbed. And as far as roses go... well, here. Have a picture.
Apparently, being utterly ignored is really, REALLY to the rosebush's liking.
I should really just ask the rosebush out already, right? Only I can't figure out if a relationship where I can do no wrong would be the best relationship ever, or terribly unhealthy and indeed the utter ruination of me. Plus, you know, there's that whole thing where it is actually just a plant.