Jun 13, 2006 17:55
Im in class... bored since it hasnt started and slightly hungry.
THis weekend was PACKED with stuff
Friday- Roxana's 21st bday at Lot 332 - where she got overly intoxicated, puked then had to be carried out... mind you she even bought out the VIP section (which was like one couch) and a Limo to get her there.
Saturday - went to wonderland for Pam's bday ( who i dont really care for but i felt bad when one of my guy friends called my cell 5 times asking when i would be arriving)
Sunday- Matt, my mom, brother and the whole scout group went to Medieval times! Our knight, the yellow one, won!!! it was fun.
Monday - matt, myself and Ian and Victoria (Matts friend and Gf) went to wondcerland again. We hit a LOT of rides, i got a mild sunburn on my chest and face but it was just enough to give me a healthy glow. Then matt came and stayed the night...we passed out as soon as we got to my place at about 7pm, and slept for a few hours, woke up at 12, then talked for a while and then went back to sleep. Both og us admitted that it was the most comfortable sleep we've had in a long time, especailly together.
Today I am supposed to work and possibly finish an essay i put off for far too long and should have done last week... oh well... the weekend was worth it.
I think i want to go on a diet but i just dont have enough will power right now.. i mean i lose 4 pounds and then gain it back plus one in the next week. I blame the man :p