Lovely weekend <3
I survived my first eight hour shift ... it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I work four hour shifts this week though, and it makes me happy, haha.
Greg and I went to see 300 on Friday night. The theatre was PACKED. We got there way early but still didn't manage to get into the IMAX show. So we saw it on just the regular bigscreen, but even so, it was an amazing movie. I'd like to go again in a couple weeks when the crowds have died down, and see it on the IMAX screen.
We got home at 2am that night, and I was up at 6am - haha. I spent 9am - 2pm at Douglas College taking the "First Aid for Dogs" course. The last hour dragged, but overall it was a great course. I learned a ton, and I really liked the instructor. March 24th is the "First Aid for Cats" version - I'm attending that one too.
Went to a party on Saturday night, and Sunday was pretty slack. It included a lovely three hour nap in the afternoon with Greg <3 I spent Sunday night at his house as well, and headed home today. I had to run into work and get my schedule for this week, and I noticed the "buy one get one free" sign in the shoe store next door. Bad news! Haha. My mom and I bought shoes. Terrible. But I now have really cute flats to wear with leggings.
Ought to be a nice week ... the weather is supposed to be fairly lovely, I work Tuesday and Thursday for four hours, and I have the rest of the week to myself. The Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association Horsemen's Bazaar is this coming Sunday. I wonder if I can convince Greg to go? ;-)