Aug 26, 2004 02:31
THis just in from the Zapata County News Front Page Headline:
"Commisioner Court seeds Development(headline)"
"During the August session of Zapata County Commisioners Court Peggy Umphres, Executive Director of the Zapata County CHamber of Commerce requested $50,000 to establish an Economic Development Office. The office would development parnterships with local government, public educators, private business, financial institutions, state and federal government agencies and local community development groups to advance the economic status of Zapata. The money will g oto establish an Economic Development office, compile information and data to develop a strategic plan. the Chamber of Commerce will, in it's first year, aquire economic development specialist certification, assess our communities opportunities, perform business and community inventory and assesment, begin to leverage resources and undertake a retention and recruitment program. The goal of the new office will be to create more jobs in Zapata, promote tourism adn strengthen our economic infrastructure. County Commisioner Angel Garza gace the chambers lan a nod by saying 'This would be cheaper than creating a county office to perform this function.'
"In a seperate agenda item, The Zapata county Chamber of Commerce requested $20,000 from the Zapata County Hotel Motel Tax to be used to promote Zapata as a desination for conventions. Half of the funds will be used to cover the debt for 2003-04 and the other half will finance advertising material and promotional material such as convention guides for 2004-05"
though this may not seem interesting to you, i would like to use this time to point out that i will as of Jan, I will be the Assistant Director of Economic Development (providing that my nerves allow me to stay here that long), and i was actually the one who put together the proposals for the monies we recieved. Ahhh, I love my job. I guess i like to brag too.....;-(