Jan 18, 2005 15:44
Well my weekend was sweet i went clubing and had a lot of fun and i got to know an old friend again and she is so amazing i dont know shes just like amazing to me we hae changed so much but so much the same. I broke it down with out a doubt and got my grove on but that was like the first time i can remember going to a club sober and having a really good time i liked it alot i have to say just haveing some sober fun was fun i mean i had a really relationship with a reall person it was like something i havent done in such a long time. I dont know i think i just am so excited to live now. Im all like tripping over going to some gay ass teen club. But thats not the point its more like just situations and the experience that toped it off for me all the way i just feel like im floating. But now its tuesday and im back in chicago and im sick i just took some cold medicine and i hope it starts to kick in soon. I did that night i was at the club smoke a cigar and jezz was that a mistake i woke up the next morning my throught all soar and stuff i am so turned off by tobacoo now its so gross. so i guess it worked out in the end that i did it