Sep 13, 2009 21:34
I've just been reading up on the whole 2pm issue. I know I'm a little behind the times on this, but I've been busy, it's not my fandom and contrary to popular belief I don't really follow current happenings in the Kpop world 24/7.
What. The. Hell.
I knew it was bad. The neitzens forcing Jaebum to leave like that. But I didn't realize it was so very very bad. They had a petition asking him to kill himself, for some words he wrote 4 years ago.
I don't know how it is in Korea, but in America, suicide is not the kind of thing to be taken lightly. It is not something to joke about, and it is not something you ask of someone else.
Secondly lets focus on the time frame. It was 4 years ago. You guys really had to dig through all of the stuff he wrote? I'm not sure what your motivation for doing that was, love or hate.
Four years is a long time. If someone dug through all the shit I wrote 4 years ago they would find selfish bitcy crap that I would be embarrased (now) to own up to. Why? Because at that point in my life I was going through some big adjustments, figuring stuff out, dealing with a lot of shit in my life. I cannot even imagine what it must have been like for him living in a new country and adapting to a new culture. Everyone says stupid things when they are angry and frustrated.
Calling Korea "gay" is just that. Something stupid he said when he young and stupid, and although I object to what he said (both the Korea being gay and the use of the word gay in this situation) I still think he had a right to express what he was thinking and feeling at that time.
Why not ask him how he feels about Korea now? Currently I think he'd use a few stronger words that "gay" to describe how your country has treated him.
I'd like to say I hate America. There, now if I ever become a famous musician/actress/writer/dancer/artist of some kind my fans (and anti fans) can all come back to this post and rub it in my face, force me out of the business. For that matter I'd like to say I hate Korea, Japan, China, Luxenburg, Canada, Mexico, Algeria, South Aftica, Germany, France, England Australia, Bolivia, Peru, and all other countries on the face of this planet, just for good measure (since one never knows where one is going to end up being famous).
Neitzens should take a step back from their emotional reactionism and realize exactly what they are doing. It's easy to forget when you are behind a computer screen but what you are actually dealing with is a living breathing person, with hopes and dreams and aspirations, who isn't perfect, who makes mistakes, and is just trying to find his way in the world just like everyone else.
This isn't my fandom. But it so easily oculd be. Fans get so caught up in fangirling (or fanboying) their idols that they begin to think they own them. But they are real people who belong to themselves.
I know that by now people are sick of hearing about it. This is all just my opinion. It doesn't make one bit of difference to me if you agree or disagree. I just needed to let off a little stream.
I hope that Jeabum is able to find some sort of peace through this all, and I hope that maybe just maybe some neitzen's realize just how warped their sense of reality is. I hope no one goes after Super Junior. This might be mean of me but i hope the rest of 2pm breaks up and dissolves because they realize that the people supporting them are absolutly bat shit insane bitches on a power trip. I hope anyone reading this can understand sarcasm, and I hope hope hope that the Kpop world can move on.
I know you don't care. But I do.