(no subject)

Nov 18, 2008 02:03

I've been having trouble sleeping again. So I've been exhausted all day, but now it's 2 am and I have spent the last two hours trying to force myself to fall asleep. It didn't work.

Also, have been having trouble with suddenly feeling overwhelmed with life in general, without being able to pinpoint exactly what is bothering me. Like earlier tonight, I was in bed, just reading (a children's book I've read many times before) and all of a sudden I had tears streaming down my face. Decided to let in and full-on cried for a bit, and I feel a lot better. But I have absolutely no idea what set me off in the first place.

But I've been doing better. I was really unhappy for a while, but this last week or so's been good, apart from the occasional breakdown. Possibly because I finally started working full-time, so I've been busier. Work is good - I cut and paste and laminate a lot in the morning, go to meetings once in a while, have breakfast with coworkers, do a little bit of planning, go to seminars and workshops, and in the afternoon I get to play with the kids. It's good. And I'm one step closer to becoming an adult - in addition to a key and a desk and a computer (that got stolen when someone broke in the other day!!), I got my first Work Email Address a few days ago. It's @reykjavik.is. Very official!!

being a grown-up, blah, work, life

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