I'm a bigtime lurker over at the
GAF forums and there was this one
thread in particular that came up. It was about creating video game sprites out of Perlers. Perlers are these little plastic beads that you can buy online or at your local Hobby Lobby store. When reading through the topic, I had thought to myself, "Oh I have got do to this." We bought this huge bucket of miscellanious color Perlers, some other packages that had the peg boards and the usual colors already sorted out. So with some patience, practice and help from Noah because of my color-blindness, here are the results.
They are pretty easy to do and it acts as a little stress reliever for me, or being at least a little productive in doing something while I'm watching TV. Doing the 8-bit NES sprites were easy. Going up to the 16-bit sprites were a little more tough as the detail and color palatte is more widened, like the Sonic figure. And they are much bigger so in those cases, you will need at least two to four peg boards. However, for the Super Mario World sprites, I went with the GBA versions instead, as those colors were more simplistic and easier to do, however, I couldn't find anymore colors to match Luigi's face, so I went with the next best thing that I had at the time.
Try it out, it's easy, cheap to do and buy lots and lots of black. All of these figures are plastered all over Noah's room and on his front door. His recent fetishism with Megaman is now begging me to do all of the robots. Gonna need lots and lots of black.