Otakon 2010 pictures !! (Thursday-Friday)

Sep 03, 2010 22:48

I know I'm kinda late with this, but I decided to post pictures from my trip to Otakon 2010, Baltimore, Maryland :)

Like last year, I mostly took pictures of the Resident Evil photoshoots. And of my two awesome American friends Hope and Sam! <333 Thank you girls for hanging out with me ^____^

So, here we go !

This year, we were 20 friends going to Otakon! Our friend who was organizing the trip was our bus driver. And this is our awesome Otakon mini-bus ! 8D

Still early in the morning, people are tired but excited nonetheless :)

Awww yeah, chillin' out ! (it's me btw XD)

Friday! First day of the con. I'm sporting my battle mode outfit and not complaining about the heat XD I finally meet my friend Hope from DeviantArt!! (heard her screaming my name while I was in an escalator XD) Sooooooo nice to finally meet her ! She's such a sweetheart with a big mouth XD Her Claire outfit was awesome too and I was surprised at how, she also looked like Claire ^^

Hope and her friend Sam from North Carolina (I think?) I didn't know her, but she was also fun to hang out with and her Alexia cosplay was just PERFECT! GOSH! *____*

Claire is not too happy to stand beside the bitch who killed her pretty boy!

Dah awesome trio! We're so bitchin'!

I'll now post pictures from our little photo session that I didn't put on my DeviantArt account :

Claire VS Alexia! Who would win??

Claire enjoying the good weather :3

Weeeee!! Windy ! 8D

And here's some random pictures and the first Resident Evil photoshoot:

Awesome HUNK standing in the stairs, waiting for orders.

OH NOES! Chris and Jill turned into zombies! Quick, let's kill them before they return in more shit-ass games !!

Even RE characters can be hungry...Claire and Alexia went to order nom-nom while fat Sheva went WTF at their sight XD



OH! ZE SHINY EXTINGUISHER !! Better not forget it, or Chris will be pissed at me!

Before the first RE photoshoot! Awesome cosplayers roaming around and talking. (THAT BILLY WAS HORRIBLE, I CAN TELL Y'ALL !!)

Very pwetty DSC-RE2 Claire *_____*

ASHFORDS !! God, I was so excited to see them! 8D

Kick-ass Redfields !

First and most awesome Carlos cosplayer I ever seen ! He was so in-character, it was funny XD

RE1 cast !

RE2 cast !

Nemmy and Carlos: BFF !!

Some RE3 Jills

RE4 cast!

WOW. A nice looking RE2 Leon !

RE5 cast!

All the male characters

Pretty nice BSAA Chris and Jill :)

Alfred being awesome with his lugers <3

Ouuuu...so gay!

Claire and Alfred rockin' out !!

One of my fav pictures! Wesker's face is PRICELESS!!

And I'll stop there for now. I'll post more pictures another time ^^

photoshoot, 2010, claire redfield, otakon, alexia, darkside chronicles

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