I'm too sexy for my....umbrella?

Jul 06, 2010 20:06

Little update on my new cosplay for this year's Otakon!

As you may know (I mentioned it in the previous post), I'll cosplay as Claire biker/battle mode from Code:Veronica. The costume is going well. Yesterday, I went to see my friend who sewed the actual outfit. She wanted me to try it on, so we could make the right modifications, if needed.

And it actually need modification. Just the top though. It's not long enough and doesn't stick to the skin so, I kinda feel insecure with it XD (and since the outfit is already revealing, no need to reveal even more XD) So, we'll add a white elastic band at the hem of the top, so it'll fit me more and it'll be a bit longer that way. My friend will also add some white fabric where the top is kinda...transparent ^^; Other than that, we'll have to add the Umbrella logo/crest to the top and it will be done :)

The shorts were perfect, just need to add the Umbrella writing on each side. I'll pay someone I know to do it :) He's the guy who made the back of my CV vest :) He does awesome things.

So, here's a preview picture of the outfit, what's been done so far :

I also bought brown leather gloves from ebay. They look very nice! Can't wait to get them, so we can cut the fingers! (poor gloves XD)

and I got my red and white umbrella the other week. The guy who'll do the writing on my shorts will also write Umbrella on the umbrella :)

That's about it for now. Still have to find sunglasses though. Otakon is in 3 weeks! GAAAAH !!
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