One week till June

May 25, 2009 21:01

I'd hoped life would be a bit less stressful by June. Here's the status update.
(short version, since I want to go do other things)

  • My computer's seriously fucked. I haven't had patience enough to sit with it and fight the as of yet unexplained reboots to try to install the antivirus software tossed my way. Though opinions seem to range from infection to faulty power supply to memory issues, so I don't even know if managing to install and run the software would solve the problem (but is the only thing I am even vaguely geek enough to attempt on my own).
  • Still have a shit ton of stuff to do for school; I'm not even sure what it all is; only that I haven't been doing it.
  • I still can't seem to get a someone off my mind...
  • The cyst removed from my back has turned out to be benign. I seem to be healing up well enough, although it's still pretty sensitive back there. Trying to get hold of the doctor in the local family to take my stitches out so that I don't have to waste money on a copay (or time off from work, or a lot of extra gas, etc.)
  • The wanderslut is still there, although she's quieted down. I'm still (slowly) planning for a cycling adventure, although have mostly been too preoccupied with other things to worry about/ plan for it.
  • I'm still facing imminent unemployment. Three weeks and counting. The one lead I'd had didn't pan out because of scheduling conflicts. My current best bet is looking like Trader Joe's.
  • Munchkin and social-foo issues have been on the upswing, this weekend at least. The past few days have been a great balance of R&R with friendly folks, and therefore being a lot more patient with the childerkin. Not so much on the cuddly front, but... ::shrug:: can't have everything I guess.
  • Lastly: gather's in under a week. I have one more small task to take care of, that I'll have to make sure I get to tomorrow. What with having to share sorrowsheart's computer while mine's been on the fritz, I've been slacking on anything computer related.
So not much of an update really, eh? I seriously need some excitement...
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