We're the Wolves of the Sea!

May 28, 2008 13:05

moose_biscuit is home in one piece from the US, and brought a mountain of nasty American cake things (Ding Dongs and the like) for her workmates and peanut butter M&Ms for us - which are rather addictive and a marvellous combination of sweet and salty. Chocolate and salt really shouldn't go together, but they do.

I had a busy and fun weekend. Headed up to London on saturday morning, where I spent a couple of hours wandering up and down Tottenham Court Road (where I bought a 2gb SD for my phone, turning it into a 2gb MP3 player). There were many shiny things which I can't afford, and some which I'll save up for. And I now want a media hard drive - a rather nifty external hard drive which hooks up to a tv by scart and plays all your vids and music through the tv. If it were firewire it would be perfect, but it's usb2 and Aigloss (my Mac) only has firewire and usb1.1. It would hook to Borgil, though.

Then met up with bossythecow and zevemiel and went for lunch at Pateisserie Valerie on Old Compton Road, where I had a massive and yummy smoked salmon salad followed by a maple and pecan tart (though I actually preffered Bossy's strawberry tart).

We then headed to Forbidden Planet (I hadn't been to the new shop and hadn't even known it had moved) and geeked for a little while. Chibi Darth Maul and Obi-Wan toys! Many shiny things.

After a brief stop at Cyber Candy for Bossy to stock up on sugary things we parted company with Zevemiel and his bloke and the two of us headed to Tower Bridge to see the Telectroscope. Which is very shiny and steamy. There was a massive queue (and presumably a charge) to actually use it, so we just wandered around and admired the new glass buildings around there and gazed into the river. I get a little homesick for London whenever I visit, so it was just nice to wander and admire the city.

Oh, and discuss the viability of turning the HMS Belfast into a heavily armed base of opperations in case of zombie (or other) apocolypse. Well, I discussed, Bossy glazed over and looked at me like I was a bit odd.

Then on to spikmeister's for her 'Cheese and Cheese' party, where much cheese was eaten and Eurovision was watched. None of my favourites won, and we then discussed the chances of the western participants dropping out in the future and whether the competition would survive without our funding. We bring the toys and the other kids want to play with them but don't want to play with us. Eastern Europe and Scandinavia are welcome to play with themselves (snerk), but they may have to start playing with their own toys unless they can learn to share. Paying for a contest where the voting is almost entirely political and where we have no friends is fairly pointless.

Oh, and some of us decided that, should Terry eventually retire (don't do it, Terry - you're the reason we watch it!) Barrowman could take over. Come one, a progressively tipsy Barrowman commenting on the Eurovision entries would be highly entertaining, and the competition is camper than a field of pink tents.

On sunday I ate my own weight in Y Fenni for breakfast and then headed home to feed the Chad, who was unimpressed with his abandonment.

It were fun.

eurovision, adventures

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