(no subject)

Jul 11, 2006 15:23

This is what happens when you read really out of date gossip mags.

I couldn't be arsed to go out at lunchtime, so I shut myself in the kitchen with a cuppa and the big pile-o-mags. The woman who usually buys the new ones to add to the pile every week isn't here this week - she's on honeymoon having just married a guy called Underhill - yes, that did make me giggle, but not to her face.

So, I'd read all of the recentish mags in the pile, so I delved down into the depths to find something a bit older, and surfaced with a couple from late last year and one from August 2003. Yep, 2003. I'm flipping through, amused at the old gossip - Heather Mills being preggers by Macca, when all of the current gossip about them is on their divorce proceedings; Angelina being cast in the forthcoming film about Alexander the Great, playing Colin Ferrall's mum, dispite being only one year his senior - that's even better casting than the 12 year age gap between Indie Jnr and Indie Snr.

I eventually get to the movies section and there, at the top of the current boxoffice chart, are a pair of pirates, one grinning saucily, the other looking terribly serious and earnest and wielding a cutlass with intent. Cue my doubletake and realising the date of the mag. What's the bet that the current issue of the mag has a similar photo at the top of its movie chart, three years on?

magazines, potc

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