Dear Lovely Yuletide Author of Yay

Dec 25, 2011 12:10

I think this year I will just make it short and sweet. I know I will love whatever you write for me, because you're taking time out of a busy month to write something just for me. And that is special, no matter what form it takes!

But for some general guidance, here you are:

I love angst. I love dark. I love the 'I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm desperate to do it anyhow' kind of angst.

I'm not a fan of all out non-con. Rape - not my thing. But dubious con? I'm a huge fan.

The darker, the better. The more conflicted the character(s), the better. I'm okay with any rating.

I love character development. I love when they take things from the source material and think about them and it adds depth to the character or situation. I like for the darkness to come out of the source material in an unexpected but strangely fitting way.

That being said, if you're not into dark, and I know not everyone is, I also like character exploration and procedure. A snippet about a case, something that happened prior to the source material that feeds into who or what that character is now...I love all that stuff. If it shows me something I didn't know about the character before, all the better.

Witchblade (TV)

I really enjoy angst, and R ratedness. Ian is awesome. I really wanted something Gabriel/Sara, either as friends or more, but obviously that's not necessary since he's not in the character list. Alternatively, I would love to see Ian/Sara, or Ian/Irons and Ian/Sara - something really messed up where Ian is torn between the two of them would be very cool. If you'd rather not do anything with them, then something procedural and cool and freaky for Sara would be awesome - maybe she finds something new about the Witchblade? Maybe it's driving her in a direction she doesn't want to go?

Alice (2009)

I would love some angsty, dark Alice/Hatter fic set during or after the movie, but preferably in Wonderland itself. As low or highly rated as you care for, I'd be interested to see what attracts them to one another from sort of a dark perspective.

Grimm (TV)

I would love to see Monroe/Nick fic, either friend or possibly some unrequited interest? Bloodlust turning into something else, perhaps? Barring that, some backstory on how he got where he is now, how he decided to move away from killing people and living among them, and the challenges he faces with that.

* When I wrote this I said unrequited interest. Now, I have no issue with all out slash with these guys, I just can't get them there in my head. Now, if you can? Please, go for it!

Thanks again! May Santa reward you for your selflessness this holiday season!
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