So I'm on Kotaku, and I'm scrolling and scrolling til I came to this pic:
And I'm like "Wow, he's kinda hot." And then I realized it was Mila Jovovich.
This is what you get when you type Mila Jovovitch into Google. Yeah. What the hell.
I actually came on to post this:
I also drew a realistic version where they're wearing what they'd normally wear, Keri's not painted up like a fucking whore, and Kisho looks suitably more awkward. And they're making expressions that read like, "Um, what am I supposed to do with this?" and "Fucked if I know." respectively. Its not as pretty, but Keri has a cape on in it and her hair is messy and cute. It's on my flash drive in my purse though, which is not in this room, so that's for another day.
Damn your hotness Mila Jobobitch. I want your sliced up pants because they're impractical (why even bother with the ripped off part of the pant-leg?!) but I could sport the Zomby-killer look a million times hotter than your masculine scrawny bag-of-antlers ass.