HELP! If you think you can help but dont wanna read all this text, skip to the last paragraph in the post.
=_= I know my domain's dead and I've been missing for a week and all that, but I can explain. I've been sick and I missed three days of work, accompanied by allergies, dizziness and massive nosebleeds. I went to the doctor, got medicine and tested for anemia. I have zero energy, and even today I got up, stayed awake for about two hours, and then slept for four or five. Forgive me. I need your help though!
When my eyes are shut, (like, I'm laying in bed) and i hear a loud noise, I see a yellowish flash (in the shape of a blotch). I always thought I was crazy and hallucinating but it turns out
I might not be as crazy as I thought. Especially because I'm more likely to call a number by it's color than it's name. When I was a kid I used to see the number 36 and think of sonic & tails because to me, 36 is blue and orange. My favorite numbers are all contrasting colors, like 72 and 36. 21 isn't contrasting colors but i like it all the same. Etc. etc. Wednesday is yellowday, Friday is orangeday, Tuesday is redday, Monday is blueday, etc. A is red. P is green. Q is teal. Z is orange.
ANYWAY! Last night my dog was really upset cause we wouldnt let him share the bed with us, and he was stuck outside our room. He was howling WICKED loud, and whenever he'd howl, I'd see a yellowish flash, but it wasn't a blotch, it was a horizantal line that was wide in the middle and tapered at the end.
I'm wondering if anyone on my fList is synesthesic, and how you deal with it? What kind of experiences do you have? I've always been able to ignore the flashing cause it's not like there's very loud, reccurent noises when my eyes are shut (typically), and the numbers/weekdays/alphabet doesn't bother me. But the lines were really really distracting. I ended up sleeping on the couch with my dog so he'd stop. XD what does anyone reading this think?