I'm starting a new art photography portfolio. If anyone is interested in being my model or just taking pictures, I'm starting a new project.
Do you consider 5:30am late night or early morning? Screw having insomnia!!! And Screw people like myself who suffers this awful disease.
So I've been working at the Hard Rock for two days now and already on the first day I was offered a promotion of a $2 raise ($4k increase of yearly pay!!) Yeah man, with this rate, I'll beout of Vegas faster than I've dreamt of. Awww yeah!!! So, with that in benefit also I'd like to mention that there's a good ratio of races at my store besides Bulgarians&Icelantics but holy damn, I am seriously surrounded by asians. I hope that's not why they hired me,becasue I don't even like asians all that much. Even if I did, I live with them, now I work with them. I feel a bit "AZN"-caustrophobic because they make me feel so whitewashed. Maybe because I am? (sdjaks?)..owell, work tomorrow/(today?) 6pm-2am. crazzzzzy shift.
After work, I trailed my way to the gym of a good two mile-run and worked out. Then after, I felt a bit contemplative and thought a drive would be relaxing since my adrenaline somehow hit my brain enery instead of making me physically pumped or naturally beat since I did have a long day at work and good work out at the gym. So..I drove...and drove...and drove... windows down, listening to an amazing man sing his heart into words, resulting in losing track of time and phasing out completely full of awe. Two hours later and my gas light finally turns on and my time is finally up. I was probably somewhere in the middle of Las Vegas when I realized that I zoned the hell out. I had no clue where I was or how I even got there.. I was so into the music that I didn't even spare to think of anything and just sang every word to his songs.....cliche as this may sound. Oh, well, okay. I'd rest in peace to see Elliot Smith play one more song. Dead or alive, that man still has it in full force. (maybe it's just me, but I doubt it). Screw dying at 34. He was so full of promise, dammit. Why did he have to go kill himself, I really like him..
PS. Utah on Saturday. (fdsjfowfeoijdfk!!!!!!!!!!!!)
feel my thrill, ya'll.