more than once a week?

Oct 09, 2009 22:29

 Posting here, I mean. I must have too much time on my hands...

Do you ever make hypothetic LJ posts in your head (and never get around to actually posting)? I do that all the time. If I´d actually post all the times I think about it, it would probably be several times a day. I´m thinking I´d post more often if I´d get an Iphone. (My birthday is coming up. Are you reading this, husband?)

Well, to the point: earlier today I had a whole post planned out. A long rant about my family actually. But I calmed down (or Svein came up with a solution) and it kinda blew over. The rant was mainly about: I love my family, but they make me crazy sometimes. Mainly because everything is either a hassle or it´s potentially dangerous. If it was up to them I should probably stay indoors with the door firmly locked. Oh well...

Now for something entirely different!

Sixten (and a small part of me) had his first assignment as a model for Ugly children´s clothing today. Don´t worry. I have no ambitions of becoming a mum who wants to turn their child into a star. We did it for laughs and to help out a friend of Svein. Sixten both cried (he didn´t like being put inside a fridge..heehee) and laughed, so I think there might be some good shots. Will of course tell you when the pictures are up on their website.

Oh, and yesterday we went to baby swimming (as we do on Thursdays). And there was a photographer there who took underwater pictures. Will post when we get them.

Svein is in Rome (Grrr!) at the moment. He´s coming back tomorrow, but leaving again on Sunday for Amsterdam. So Sixten and me are home alone. I think he takes responsibility being the man in the house. He´s been on his absolute best behaviour the last three days. I can put him to bed, say goodnight and he´s already asleep. Tonight he literally put himself to bed. I left him on our bed while doing some packing (going to my parents tomorrow), and suddenly he was fast asleep!

Oh, and this guy had a coffee on a bench beside me today. I´m sadly not too good at candid photography. He had a cape, a hat with bunny ears and was barefoot:

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