It´s me again!

Oct 05, 2009 22:49

 I went by my work place today, and did "a Blythou" like I used to when I was pregnant. So this is for reference:

But I´ve apparently either lost the touch or need a new phone...or both! Blurry!

It´s always nice to see my co workers, but it´s not very tempting to return any time soon. There´s a lot of stuff going on there at the moment, and people seem tired and de motivated. I´m not going back until May 2010, so things could change. But I have my doubts...

I have cravings for chocolate and sweets all the time these days. Today I found a forgotten Cadbury´s creme egg in a box on top of a kitchen cupboard. Mmmm... But if I´m gonna keep the weight down I´m gonna have to stop giving in for my cravings all the time. On the plus side I´ve rediscovered my Wii fit. Yay!

Nah, better be sensible and get to bed!

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