Jun 01, 2006 16:41
Well, Rick starts his management traning on Tuesday. Since he has never worked in the kitchen, he is going to have about six weeks of learning it backwards and forwards. This is going to be a big challenge for him, and it is also going to be very, very different from what he has been used to. It also means his schedule is going to change. He is going to be off every Sunday and Monday, along with most evenings. I think the manager who makes the server schedule is going to try to give me a schedule that correspondes to Ricks as much as possible. Hopefully this will mean that we can have some time to spend with friends before Ricks soul officially belongs to P F Changs.
Once Rick finishes his training, I am going to have to find a new job. They say that I should have at least four weeks before I have to quit, but I may end up having to go sooner. We don't really know yet.
The only part of this that I am looking forward to is Rick haveing evenings off for a bit. I feel kind of bad that I'm not more excited for him, but with so many unknowns (how much he is going to get paid, what his schedule is going to be like, when i have to find a new job, etc.) all I can feel is nervous.