Movies and News

Feb 19, 2010 23:13

So I saw 2 movies today.

I saw 'Percy Jackson' and 'Cirque du Freak: Vampire's Assistant' - I liked 'Percy' a lot more than 'Vampire', but I will say that 'Vampire's' cup-overflowith with slashy subtext. Who was it on my flist who said they were into Darren/Crepsley? 'Cause, I definitely saw it, even if they both did have female love interests. Not to mention Darren/Steve...and btw - MEL IS IN THIS MOVIE! :D Small part, yes, but yay!

Back to Percy, I read the first book and am into the second and I really, really liked the film. They changed a lot from the books, but I thought the changes well improved the story and the acting was decent. It kept me entertained and the visuals (especially Hades) were impressive. Overall, I liked it very much!

I am hard to work on my newest FOTC epic! I have two parts awaiting editing, and two more parts to write before it should be complete. I also hope you all still have a taste for hot & heavy 'cause, um, yeah...when I use the rating NC-17 I mean it!

But back to rl - I got written up at work. My DM said my store was 'messy'. Let me just set out there that he is a misogynistic asshole, who once said on a conference call (and I quote): I am so happy that we now have more male managers in my district. Not that female managers aren't good, but movies are more of a male thing.


I personally think that, when I took over the store back in September, he kept me because he needed someone to run the store through the holidays, but now that they are over he wants me out because I don't get the same numbers as my previous boss did (and might I also add, my previous boss jacked his numbers and I don't, so...)

The long and short of it is, I don't feel secure in my job and I often feel trapped. Oh how I long for sweet, sweet freedom!

Which brings me to next week - I will be flying out early, early Friday and going to New York! I am staying there all of Friday and Saturday and returning in the afternoon on Sunday. I am taking this trip all by myself, which is a big deal, because me and my husband had a big talk about how I feel, you know, trapped.

Not so much by him as by work and by things in general - I have a ferocious wanderlust I just need to resolve.

It was like, I lived with my parents for 20 some odd years and had them take care of me, only to transfer over to my husband - I need some time to just be on my own and take care of myself - so, that's what this trip is kind of about, no matter how small. I paid for it myself, I planned it myself, and I am taking it all by myself.

So...wish me luck!

movies, rl, fandom

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