Today I made a sad sad choice.

Jul 27, 2012 12:00

When that times comes

For those of us who know the pleasure of taking care of our four legged children, we are also accutly aware of the fact that they will one day break our hearts.
We know that time will come. We accept it, but that does not make it any easier when that time is staring us in the face.
This morning I got that wake up call. My baby is dying. Her body is shutting down piece by piece. With no treatments she has at most six months to live. With treatment it is more than likely not much longer. The treatments themselves also have possible side effects that are worse than what she faces naturally.
I cannot cause her stress. She is 15 and happy. Anything I do to her is only for my sake and not hers.
I will love her, I will spoil her and when she is no longer happy and comfortable I will be her voice for her. And my heart will break again for yet another lost child but my heart will soar to know she knew love and she gave it to me unconditionally through 15 years of my life.

Today I made that choice. She has been restless the last several days and her body had become fur and bones. She had hearing problems, was mostly blind, was having problems getting around and was wasting away. She was never unhappy and I never wanted her to be so. She could of lived a couple more months, but at what price and with what quality?
My heart is sore. My life saw a lot of change over 15 years and she was the one thing that was always constant. She is missed and always will be missed.
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