Nov 23, 2007 17:22
I was walking back from CVS today and listening to music and some guy passed me on a bicycle. He looked like he was about my age. He had sort of a sweet face and red cheeks from the cold, and he was wearing a hat sort of like mine, and he looked at me and I have no idea what he thought. It was just one of those moments when someone passes you very quickly and makes (probably accidental) eye contact and it's a completely ambiguous but malleable experience. It could be anything you want it to be.
I made up a situation that would simplify my life significantly: boy rides past me on bicycle. I'm walking down the street with my hat on and a hood up and my hair kind of sticking out like it does sometimes. He rides past, we make eye contact. He turns around, rides up to me. Says "what are you listening to?" I tell him, "Neutral Milk Hotel".
He says "marry me".
I say "okay".
Wouldn't that make things easier? That would be nice, I think.