
Jun 06, 2007 00:47

So this weekend was a little different than usual.



Yeah, it was amazing! Michael popped the question to me on Sunday at Lake Lanier. It was probably one of the happiest days of my life. I'm soooo ready to marry him! He did an incredible job at proposing too!

Here's what happened (for those of you who even bother to read this pathetic, forgotten journal of mine and don't check myspace):

All last week, Michael told me he wanted to take me on a scavenger hunt, just b/c it sounded fun and it would be something new for us to do. He said he was going to buy me a giftcard or cd, hide it, and have me "hunt" for it with a map. So he told me that we were going to do it at Lake Lanier on Sunday, and he was going to go up with his friends to hide my "gift"- when they were done with that, he would call me and have me drive up and meet them. Sounded fun, so I was like, "uh, sure!"

So Sunday rolls around and Michael has me drive up to meet him on this strip of a beach there at the lake behind the water park. While I was walking over to where he wanted me to meet him, he called me and told me to "be ready to drop all of your stuff and go on the scavenger hunt!!".

So I get there and the first thing I see is Michael, decked out in Jack Sparrow threads (wig included)! haha. He even had the whole accent/drunken mannerisms down to a T! He knows I'm obsessed with pirates, thus why he chose to wear it. Hahaha, it was hilarious. (You have to know Michael to appreciate this- this is the kind of guy who used to wear a spiderman costume into the middle of town with his friends for no appearant reason... he is very, very goofy and has a way with making everyone laugh.

SO ANYWAYS,he hands me a "treasure map" and then hands me a little golden coin. He tells me, "Ok now, you need to find 5 more of these gold coins!". So I kind of look, but then he gets impatient and grabs my arm and takes me running around the strip of the beach. He takes me to this little secluded corner spot, points to where there are 5 golden coins on the sand and says to me, "NOW DIG!".

So I dig and dig, until I notice this little "treasure chest" barried in the sand. I pull it out, and as I'm opening it up, Michael says to me, "Now you know how much you mean to me- you're my everything." I open it up, and there is an diamond ring, sitting on top of a pile of golden coins!

He then says, "I love you so very much- will you marry me Laura?!?"
Of course, I said, "YES" about a thousand times! He followed with saying, "I'm going to be the best husband I can be to you- I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy. You've been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I just want to be with you for the rest of my life!"

Amazingly, I didn't cry, but I was shaking! He was shaking and tearing up a bit, so we had to hold eachother up! haha. I eventually fell into him as I was shaking so much. But one of the best parts of all of it was? I have pictures of the whole thing, compliments of Michael's friends!

So needless to say, I had an absolutely fabulous weekend! I am sooo incredibly happy! I love that man so very much.
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