(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 01:25

Sleepless in Seattle was just on T.V.
I forgot how good that movie was.
The soundtrack to it always makes me happy.

haha- Three Men and a Baby is on right now-- i never realized just how 80s this movie is. The best part about these movies is that you know that when they came out, people watching it were thinking, "man, the style they have in this and music is so awesome!"


Its been an interesting week. My mom got surgery on her neck on Thursday and can't do anything but sit, walk, and sleep. Soooo me and my dad have been taking care of her (as well as my aunt who just flew here from California)- and will be for the next three months. My dad is so good to my mom. I love it. He makes sure everything she could ever need is there for her, and still kisses her like they were just married. Its so sweet. I hope that my marriage will be like theirs one day.

Aaron left for Taiwann on Saturday. I'm going to miss him. I never thought I would miss him as much as I already do; I somehow got really attached to him over the last year or so. I won't see him for a year, but when I do, I'll see him in CHINA! Yes, that's right, I'm going to China for sure next May or June. I can't wait! Anyways, I'm really proud of him for getting himself out there.

What else? Oh yes, Shauna is moving out and into in apartment tomorrow. I'm proud of her. She's worked hard to get where shes at. Plus, I think this will make things a lot better for our friendship.

eh, theres a lot more stuff to talk about, but I just don't feel like it.

Although, I will be 21 on Monday. WOOHOO. Actually, its not really that exciting. I mean, yeah, it will be nice to finally just be able to order a drink from time to time when I eat out, but other than that, its not like I go and get wasted or ever plan on it. Everyone is like, "oh boy! I bet you're so excited! You're going to need the next day off to re-cooperate!". Not so much.

Other than that, I'm still madly in love with Michael. We'll have been together for exactly a year and a half in less than 2 weeks. Its hard to believe sometimes. He's so sweet and caring that I can't control myself from covering him in kisses. haha, I never thought I would be the type to do that, but there's something about him that just brings that out of me.

I know, I'm a lame little romantic girl.

Oh yeah, I finally graduated from Culinary School. Now its on to Perimeter. wooooooo

Just thought I would give a little update, since I never write in here anymore.

Everyone have a good Fourth of July!
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