If I sound drunk, its because I am...freaking tired!

May 23, 2006 00:21

haha wow i am so clever that I made a play on words with my subject!
I know, I know. You all wish that you too, will be that clever one day.

So whats been going on?
Well, I'm graduating in a couple of weeks...finally!

Life has been pretty swell for the most part, with the exception of a few things. But I won't talk about it on here. Unless I want my head chopped off by members of my family.
Which I don't.

and man am I ever proud of my brother Aaron. He just got a job in Taiwan this summer. He's going to be going to school there for the next year after this summer. He's going just to learn the language better and be an English translator to help with his degree in International Affairs. How cool is that? He also finally got a job working his butt off here in the states until then! yes, amazing! We are talking about Aaron! If you know my family at all, you will know why this is so exciting. Although I can't help but say that I'm going to really miss him. It will be quiet without him here.

My family and I are going to probably get to go to here: 

next summer. Yes, thats right. I will be  in CHINA!
That would be beyond cool in my book.

There's going to be a lot of changes in my surrounding in the next few months/year. Its really crazy to think about how rapidly life changes. I'm learning you can't plan on anything. You just have to take on things as God hands them out to you and learn how to deal with it.

oh, and I saw some kid wearing this shirt the othere day and I've been wanting it ever since:

I could say a lot more on here, but I suppose it seems useless because I'm pretty sure that the only person who ever reads this is Jessica- a person whom I will probably just tell all of this to on the phone anyways.

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