I am always surprised at the quickness with which weekends pass and Mondays arrive. Again? Again.
We had a great weekend. Today we stayed in PJs for most of the day and watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes in bed. It was a wonderful, lazy day. (We also went for a 4.5 mile walk, did laundry, grocery shopped and cleaned the kitchen, but despite that it was lazy.) It felt so good.
I also uploaded some new pictures today. Tons are
Mom at her 50th Birthday party:
Mom, Scott, Patti Scott (mom's BF) and Mom at lunch for Mom's birthday:
Scott, Mom Sara, Mom, Molly, CAKE:
Mom CAKE Ali at Barton Springs during our Staycation:
Ali@ Barton Springs Me and belly at Barton Springs:
Me@ Barton Springs Ali on the way to the pool:
Ali us, reflection:
Us, ~30wks pregnant 2nd mobile I made for the baby:
Munari Mobile for the baby Belly shot:
Belly @ 31wks Nursery pictures:
nursery activity area
nursery changing area
nursery shelf and bed