I am now 7 months pregnant. (28weeks, which means we have 12 to go.)
MM gives me an A+, she says, and for some reason that makes me happy.
She says all ultrasound measurements look great. The baby's ~14" long and maybe 2ish lbs now. He looks and sounds perfect. He is moving constantly. I am in love with pregnancy and with him. I am also in love with Ali, who handles me very well.
Belly pix and more info behind this
I have now gained a total of 11lbs. MM says that's perfect and I'm glad 'cause I've been stressed that it's not enough. We have the glucose tolerance test next week, another appointment 3 weeks after that which'll include a physical exam, and then we start every-other-week appointments. This thing is speeding up, his growth and our ascent into parenthood, and I'm so excited. Soon we'll order herbs and other supplies. Soon we'll hire a house-cleaner for a day. Soon the nursery will be set up.
My uterus now measures 28" which is, need I remind you, more than a full two feet. I think that's appropriate since it's housing a being who also has two feet. Lovely.