Hold you now

Jan 04, 2008 14:45

Today Dad called and we discussed the various "fucked-up-ness" that his children inherited from him. When he came around to what I inherited, he said "you got my ridiculous anxiety and neurosis and my brain" which may be one of the nicest things he's ever said to me. His brain! I got his brain! I mentally grabbed ahold of that, as you can see, and folded it and placed it in my back pocket for later when I need cheering.

My last day of work was December 19th. I haven't touched any outboard gear or anything work-related since then. And yet, despite the noticable lack of going-into-the-office, I haven't felt like a vacationer at all. Until today.

Today I slept super late (almost 9am! woot!) and then enjoyed a starbucks beverage with my husband. After that, a huge bowl of oatmeal and new Anita Shreve book kept me busy for about an hour. Then a nice long walk/run with Daisy, then home for a shower and laundry and lunch (my new favorite lunch is a small PB&J sammich + a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. Holy shizzle, the flavor explosions!). A glorious day.

I also packed today, for an overnight getaway with Ali. I have no idea what we're doing, but he and my friend Michele have arranged something and I'm to be packed and ready to go by 4 today. No matter what it is I'll love it, because it will be me and Ali and that's it.

I have a ton of Holiday & flooring before/after pictures
Ali and Arthur battle for stockings:

Walking into Salima's on Xmas morn:

Christmas Tree in Mom's Apartment:

Me and Mom:

Siblings opening gifts:

Meg and Sara at the Scrabble table:

Me and Mom at the Scrabble table:

At Christmas Dinner at Ali's Mom's:

Ez says, "what're you, mental?"

Me and Ali, already spent, on NYE:

Chris and Glen on NYE:

Michele on NYE:

Me and Michele on NYE Eve downtown:

Living room before:

Living room during:

Living room after:

me, house, daily, vacation, flooring, ali, bamboo, pix, christmas, holidays

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