Dec 23, 2008 22:08
Right so, still figuring stuff like this out. This journal is pretty much devoted to Doctor Who and Torchwood, and the fics and avatars I store here. Doubt anyone will read it, but you never know. I still need to figure out exactly how I do that... I'll work it out.
A few things about me...
- I love read fantasy- Tamora Pierce, Gerald Morris (I grew out of his books a while ago, but they still hold a place in my heart), and various others.
- I love sci-fi; Firefly, Doctor Who, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Sanctuary.
- I ship. Not crazy fanatically, but I do ship. Except I refuse to merge names together (Ex: Drose, Janto) That's just odd for me. What do I ship? 9/Jack/Rose, Doctor/Rose, Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen, Sam/Jack, Sheppard/Weir, Henry/Will.
- I write drabbles. One hundred, two hundred, occasionally three hundred word stories. My longer ones are crap. None of my drabbles are beta-read. Actually, none of my stories are beta-read. They need it. I'm working on that.
- I don't like character bashing. Each character is good in their own way. I dislike a few, but I won't bash. Nor will I bash them in my fanfiction.
- I can't write smut. Miserable at it.
Over and out,
personal crap