well I know I need to do this kind o thing more often LOL

May 06, 2007 20:41

Fri. was interesting... Ian had the timber wolf trot at school where the kids joj around a track at school and each lap is counted prizes are handed out etc. all to raise money for school. Ian (who is seven now and in a size 9 pants) made 28 laps before giving up.They added up his laps and figured he did a 5 mile jog in 55 minuts! I am SOOO impressed LOL. He was still full of energy when he came home and did not drop off to sleep much before 10pm. My son is the energizer buny personified!!!!!
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get yet MORE pictures of my lower back done wheeeeee.
yep still having issues. Am trying to loose weight but welllll so far in the last month I lost 10 lbs. I hgave an odd birth defect in my lower back the fasets (pointy things that stick out and up from the vertibre) are infact in the spot affected pointing down and instead of roundish and pointy are rather flat and in a few cases joind together in ways that make my back not a happy camper..... they think I may have developed artheritus in those joints as well weeeee yea..... ahh well we will over come the jerk at work and his attitude twards my back issues.
Ian has to have surgery on his eyes soon the left eye is starting to drift agin.So keep him in yer thoughts family.
love ya all g'night
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