Jan 15, 2007 17:45
LOL yeah I faild the sleep test. I had to go back for round two last night.
For those who don't know in round two you get to try and sleep with a odd snorkel looking mask that just covers your nose.. ONLY your nose and blows a steady jet of air up it.WE are not talking a little puffy of light air we are talking O MY GODS I COULD FLY A KITE IN THIS.
So..... the tech who was a sweet little pagan chick turned the switch on and it was AWFUL. If you have ever had the wind take your breath from you and I most emphaticly do NOT mean in the poetic sence thats what it was like. Like drownding in air.
So..... the tech goes and switches the thingy to bi valve where it blows softer then harder gusts so you are not having to breath against it. That was much better and wow .... is that what sleep is suposed to be like ?? I woak up and had actual energy. I woke up feeling like I was actualy awake! I get my new best friend some time this week. YEAY!