Art: "Throughout the years" & doodles | Merlin | PG

Oct 02, 2011 21:23

Title: Throughout the Years
Series: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
Note: As usual, I provide Art link for bigger and better version at DA

To celebrate the start of Series 4, I spend the weekend catching up on some art I had been meaning to finish. it's not that much, but oh
So before I let you see the actuall art for this post. Let's have a little reminder what this is all about ^_^
Title: Series 4
A/N: This is just some quick draw to enjoy the start of series 4. I fear of what'll happen in next episode...
DA link

Anyway back to the rest...
I'm presenting Merlin and Arthur throughout their years. There are three pics of this in total that belong together.
Title: Throughout the Years 1
A/N: I really have been dying to draw a wall scene and finally here it is!!  YAY  *\o/*
Poor Merlin doesn't know what hit him *giggle* he looks skightly panicked.  XD
Arthur' timing is just so... spectacular, there's Uther around the corner. I'm sure he'll be sooo~ pleased if he sees them.
DA link

Title: Throughout the Years 2
A/N: I saw a photo of Colin Morgan in a red jacket on the set of Merlin at Pierrefond for Series 4. I tried to reproduce it from memory for Merlin, since I don't remember where I saw it -_-'
Reproducing similar is a pain, and I drew the land higher than on the other two... ^_^;
In the background there are Gawain and Lancelot fooling around with Gwen watching and Leon is on guard duty.
I think Merlin and Arthur look like they've gotten used to this little place by the wall after a few years XD

DA link

Title: Throughout the Years 3
A/N: King and Warlock!! Wohoo!! *\o/*
Merlin & Arthur are definitely more used to each other here XD They are older and yep, I drew beards again, though Merlin looks kinda ridiculous with one *laughs*
In the background we have Lance and Gwen making gooey eyes at each other.
DA link

Title: Throughout the Years - All in One
A/N: Here are all three next to each other. It's really small here, so I suggest you see it at DA. It should be bigger there.
Here it's also a little more obvious that the middle picture has a higher ground and that the third panel has more lines on the wall than it should ^_^;
oh, wall, what secrets you could tell me~ *wishfull thinking*
DA link

And because I haven't the head to do a separate post for the doodles and other sketches, I'm just gonna dump them  bellow after this...

Title: Sketch Morgana
A/N: A quick draw of Morgana
DA link

Title: Sketck - Modern Gwen
A/N: Modern Gwen with short hair. She was supposed to be kissing Lancelot, but then I got bored halfway through and just erased the little I had done and drew flying petals about her, but kept her pose because it had turned out so well. I like the idea of her with short hair.
DA link

Title: Of Dragonlords and Princes (LOTS of doodles)
A/N: The idea behind this is based on a drabble that I haven't posted yet.  I was chating with a friend about a Reincarnation idea far far of in the future and then we sort of got sidetracked and this came out....
To give a summary of sort for those who want to understand this better: This plays in a canon verse AU where Igraine made Uther swear a magical oath that he would respect the magical balance in case she died. Result was that Uther forbit magic on the penalty of death with exception to those with royal permission. Gaius replaced Nimueh as Court Sorcere here.
Dragonlords are dragons that can take human shape when they have gained enough power and wisdom and age...
4 1/2 year old Arthur finds a dragon egg in the caves beneath the castle and Merlin pops in human form out. Dragonlords bond to the first they come in contact with after the turn human the first time. As Arthur is there first Merlin sees him as his other half and vice versa. Also Arthur thinks until Uther and Gaius explain it to him, that baby's are bron from eggs until he's about 10.
Human Merlin ages normal, Dragon Merlin ages REALLY slow. He changes form when his emotions get the better of him... he can't really control it. So adult Arthur has this huge chubby baby dragon going everywhere after him....
DA link

(DA Link)


Uff... that's it again for now... Was quite a lot more than I originally thought it would be.... ^^

Hope you liked them

gwen, morgana, fanart, arthur, arthur/merlin, merlin

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