Big Bang Art: "Raising Foundations" by blue_gold | Merlin | PG

Aug 13, 2011 12:03

Title: Raising Foundations
Artist: blue_gold 
Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG (art), Mature (fic)
Warnings: Spoilers for the story, Harry Potter X-over
Summary: It has been 1000 years and the people need their king again, he just happened to bring a few friends. Now they just have to decide what to do, and how to protect a whole new generation of Magic Users.
Artist Notes: I'm not going to rabble all that much this time, since this is the second post for me and I covered most of my thanks on the first go ^_^.
Let's start with giving many thanks to the_muppet who organized this year's paperlegends  big bang and made this possible! you've done a great job!!!
Of course a huge THANK YOU goes toblue_gold  for writting the story in the first place and reviving my love for the HP fandom, which had sort of turned into a dying little flicker of light after reading the last book. *hug* god, I just had too many ideas for your story to draw them all~
Can't forget my amazing cheerleader manghahabi. You found me the most perfect picture of Excalibur from which I could actually read more than three runes!! I had previously spend endless hours searching for some decent views of the rune, but without success and you just went and waved your magic mouse and found me the perfect pic in no time!! *glomp* You brilliant person, you!! *squeezing hug* And you gathered the best links of Hogwarts and Camelot pictures for me!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!
And another squeezing hug to hii_chan , who kept telling me to take breaks in between drawing (cos I tend to go all the way for hours once I start for real) and giving me last minute suggestions. Thanks XD!!
Story Masterpost: Raising Foundations @ AO3 by blue_gold 
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine, story isn't mine, no matter how much I'd like them to be. You know the usual disclaimers babbling. I can probably only claim the art ^_^

This is my second post for 2011's paperlegends  big bang! *happiness dance*
As usual I provide DA links for the pictures for anyone who'd like to look at the larger version. Sometimes they look a bit pale. blurry and just plain weirdly here at LJ.
Okay let's start:

Title:  Raising Foundations
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: I hope the sky is visible here, the blue I used was very pale, but I didn't want to use a darker one since the border would already be black.
The hardest part here was Camelot and Hogwart. You can't see it here, because I later put the characters on top of it, but I actually drew part of the town and walls of Camelot. What I didn't notice until I had already started coloring Hogwarts, is that the middle building is sort of sideways. *laughs* It's like the Leaning Tower of Pisa!! ^_^
Another total fail on this was that I completly forgot to draw it with the title on it!! I had to do that appart and then add it to it much later. ^_^'
I'm going to post the b/w version of both castles over at DA for anyone who want's a closer look without the characters in between.

Title: Reunited
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: This is Glow-in-the-Dark-Merlin!!! *LOL* That's the title I had actually given the sketch so I wouldn't mix it up with any other pairing I might have had in my sketchbook. Merlin didn't turn out like I wanted, I think I might have given him too broad shoulder, but he ended up looking too thin whenever I tried to fix it. >_< and Arthur hand on the bed looked so straneg that I cut it off at the end ...
Well at least I like the back of the bed... and the glow color of Merlin ^_^

Title: Anywhere Together
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: Well... hard pose... Does it look like Arthur has his leg over Merlin? I tried to draw the sheets to make it look like that, even went and looked at all sort of art with people in beds... Arthur's arm is too thin which in turn made his hand too small... How come I don't notice stuff like that when I'm drawing/coloring but shortly before I want to share it with people??! *sigh*
I gave them both the eye color they have when they use magic here.

Title: Potion Making
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: This is for the scene where they are brewing the potion to heal Dumbledore of Lance's Bane. Sev looks sort of too young ^_^'

Title: Going to War
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: Originally I wanted to draw Merlin confronting Voldemort, but I couldn't get the proper perspective for the people facing him. But at the same time I thought that Merlin and the dragon had turned out so well that I might as well use the pose to have him look over the battle field. Which, voilá, you have here.

Title: Battlefield
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: When I had shown blue_gold the sketch for the picture of "Going to War" she asked me whether I could draw some more scene's from the battle and thus this came out. I drew Sev, McGongall and Morgana going forth to battle. In the next panel, which is the one that had I had time I would have completely redrawn something different. I drew just random wizards and witches running to fight.
The one on Merlin' right side shows Freya bringing Excalibur and the last has Voldie- I mean Voldemort, Lucius and Bellatrix.
Freya's panel turned to intense in color, but I like it so much that I didn't want to replace with anything else.

Title: Founding Legends 01-04
Links @ DA for Merlin Slytherin, Arthur Gryffindor, Morgana Raveclaw and Guinevere Hufflepuff
Artist's Comment: I wanted to draw the four of them as they were in Camelot and then in their founder's clothing. With the boy you have on the left side, their Camelot selves and on the right their Hogwarts version, while in the drawing of the girls you have their Camelot selves on the right and the Hogwarts version on the left.
I tried to draw the Hogwarts crest as best as I could, but animals are not my strenght. The easiest was actually the raven and the lion, of which I actually had a already an original lineout lying about on my computer. I found Hufflepuff the hardest.
You can't probably see it here, but I here as well as in the picture with Freya, I wrote on Excalibur the whole scripture of the runes manghahabi had found  for me. Thanks so much again!! ^_^


Title: The hard life of King Arthur
Link @ DA
Artist's Comment: I drew this comic strip at ungodly hours in the morning. 4am or so. I had just re-read blue_gold's fanfic again and... well let's just say that lack of sleep cracks my brain.
It's just a silly little thing inspired by "Raising Foundations".
It's probably quite blurry and unreadable here, even after I broke it down in four parts, but that's LJ for you. It's probably more leagible at DA, so I recommend you go read it there.

*takes deep breath* That's it! Thanks so much for looking at this. I hope you like them all ^_^
Please go read the fic, if you haven't yet. *points at the link above* you can find it way~~ up there! XD
I had lots of fun drawing all this *cheers*

harry potter, gwen, paperlegends, fanart, freya, big bang, morgana, arthur, merlin, arthur/merlin

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