Art: Inevitable & I'll take care of you | STXI | G

Mar 22, 2011 18:54

Title: Inevitable
Artist: shayla_kage 
Series: ST XI
Rating: G (just to be save coz one never knows...)

Link: @ DA

I drew this with the thought in mind of Nyota running into them by accident and discovering them.
I've read many stories where Spock and Kirk get together after Spock had already broken up with Uhura. Still, I think, whether or not that's the case, there must be some lingering hurt for her.
Thus, this came out. *points up*

Title: I'll take care of you
Artist: shayla_kage 
Series: ST XI
Rating: G

Link: @ DA

I realise that it's been a while since I've drawn some protective!Spock. You may blame the evil clutches of the Merlin fandom, they have ensnared me into wanting to participate as an artist for their BigBang. *points accusingly at it*
Anyway... I made a slight mistake on Jim's shirt, but all in all it does look okay. I love drawing those boot for some strange reason....
Yeah, yeah, I'm weird, I know...

Hope you all like these ^_^

star trek, fanart, kirk/spock, reboot

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