Title: A Gift for You
shayla_kage Series: ST XI
Rating: G
Warnings: chocolate?
This is my second go at participating at the
ksvalentine YAY!!
Uff, I didn't think I was going to make it on time. >_haha ^_^ stress does wonders for my concentration.
Aynway, my prompt was "Spock making chocolate" and so I went to the bakery early this morning and asked one of the workers there to give me a moment to draw his clothing for some art. *LOL*
At first he just looked weirdly at me but when I told him it was for Spock he readily came from behind the counter and stood model.
His words were: "We trekkies got to gelp each other where we can!"
^_^ I even got free chocolate bread when I showed him the finished sketched.
Enough rambling now! Here's the art:
Link to Art: @
Oh! and here are some small sketches I did while warming up to the larger pic and inspired by it, in case anyone's interested. (I would have done a comic to add had I had the time... I might still do it later on)
1. How Spock got the idea for chocolate:
2. Baking isn't Spock's forte...
3. Jim's first taste
4. Thanks
5. Feeding Jim the rest of the chocolate
and a little mirror bonus, because I thought for a moment to actually do this baking thing with Mirror!Spock:
Er... yeah, so this is longer than intended. Hope you have like all the pics nonetheless. ^_^