Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine? Chapter 28 [part 1]
Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine? Chapter 24
Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine? Chapter 22
Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine? Chapter 21
Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine?
Summary: this is simple story about school life. Bunch of friends have to face up love, misunderstandings, jealousy and a lot of daily life’s problems. Can they be fine? Chapter 12 [part 2]